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Battlestick 2



Game Description

Battlestick 2 is a free iogame. In the future, everyone will be a stick person and the whole world will be engulfed in battle. If you want to be ready for what is to come then we highly suggest you lay this game and get good at stick battling. Battle Stick 2 is a huge iogame which means your teammates and the people you go up against won't just be simple bots programmed to react to stimuli but rather complicated human beings on the other side of the planet who are just as serious about gaming as you and won't go down without a good fight. In this game, there are two modes of play, an arena free for all and a capture the flag game fought with teams. You'll start with nothing but a bow and arrow and as you progress you'll be able to upgrade your weapons, items, outfits, and overall aesthetic to become the ultimate stick figure in the world. Stick games are a classic internet game genre and battle stick 2 is no different. It is a classic in waiting and you are on the ground floor of a monumental, game-changing iogame.


W,A,S,D or Arrow Pad to move left aand right or Jump. Press S to crumple up and heal. Use Shift to crouch. Left mouse button lets you fire at the reticule you will aim with your mouse.

Battlestick 2 Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateAug 27, 2020

almost 4 years ago

its cool


over 4 years ago

i found friends on this game and its a great game