Game Description
ARROW KEYS to move.
Push-It Gameplay
Leave a reviewover 16 years ago
i'm only giving it a thumbs up because it would probably be a cool game if it would let you get past level three.
almost 17 years ago
I sit here in a dark room all alone, wondering why I even played this game. I flick the lights on and I see a car in my bedroom. I freak out, and then I say, "This game haz a hypnosis trick!!!" But I knew that wasn't a logical explanation. I run back upstairs 2 my computer 2 write this comment. Does anyone have a better answer 4 me? Plz write. Also, post this message on as many games as u can and u won't die being hit by a car.
almost 17 years ago
I sit here in a dark room all alone, wondering why I even played this game. I flick the lights on and I see a car in my bedroom. I freak out, and then I say, "This game haz a hypnosis trick!!!" But I knew that wasn't a logical explanation. I run back upstairs 2 my computer 2 write this comment. Does anyone have a better answer 4 me? Plz write. Also, post this message on as many games as u can and u won't die being hit by a car.