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Fruit Salad Bow



Game Description

Fruit Salad Bowl is a free physics game. This is a game where you fire arrows at the heads of your fellow townsfolk. The trick is that you're not actually trying to hit their heads, in fact, you're doing the opposite. In this game, you're trying to use your skills with a bow and an arrow in order to actually knock different items off of the heads of your fellow townsfolk. It would actually be considered bad form if you were to strike a towns-person in the actual head. The scoring in this game is based almost entirely around your ability to hit the items on the head and do it in as few shots as possible. There is zero motivation in this game to hit the townsfolk in either their body or their head. Now, in order to accomplish the intended goal of this game which is, again, to not hit the townsfolks in their heads. You'll have to become a master of physics and timing. This is a physics-based game where you need to make a judgment on where the arrow is going, and how hard it is being dragged down to the Earth via the overwhelming effects of gravity.


On your desktop or mobile device please use your finger to tap or mouse to point and click. You must keep your eye on the rising power level and strike exactly at the time you feel is right.

Fruit Salad Bow Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateSep 9, 2021
DeveloperMarket JS

over 3 years ago
