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Road Blocks



Game Description

You can go left or right or up or down. But choose wisely because whichever direction you end up going you will stay going until you hit a wall. You'll also have to think ahead because your second move is dicated by your first and your third move will be dictated by your second, and so on. You are trapped in a maze: the maze of empty spaces. Activate and utilize portals to escape. Devise a strategy and take action! Escape is at hand for the mischevious ball and you are in charge! Move fast and move smart, dash up, jump down, pivot left, or pivot right. This is a puzzle that you can only solve by doing the hardwork of moving around, running into obstacles, and overtaking the maze. Don't worry, it isn't impossible. There is a right way to do each level and with practice you'll eventually start to see a way through and around each of them. And right around the time you start to get comfortable with the mechanics of the game --bam-- we introduce a new mechanic like portals, or springs, or laser traps or whatver. Like a bunch of stuff. All kinds of stuff. Be safe and have fun!


ARROW KEYS to move.

Road Blocks Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateOct 15, 2004
DeveloperMichael Gagnon and Alex Withrow
sk8r sconz

about 6 years ago

stuck on 14


about 6 years ago

so hard no way

crazy random guy

about 6 years ago

help on 7?


about 6 years ago

fun but kind of hard and frustating


about 6 years ago

cant pass 14


about 6 years ago

WOOT first to reveiw its awesome


about 6 years ago

Password for last level is corky


about 6 years ago

Level 12 is impossible.


about 6 years ago

Its hard but good


about 6 years ago

2 reveiw and the game is alright