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Mahjong Titans



Game Description

Mahjong Titans is a puzzle game of your favorite classic board game. This online game is the digital version of mahjong. It follows the classic rules and uses classic tile decoration. Like most mahjong games, any plant tiles can be matched and any person tiles can be matched as well. For other tiles, you must select the exact matching tile and it must be an open tile. This is a casual game so there is no timer, no score, and no leaderboard. If you get stuck, click on the restart button in the lower right-hand corner. Please note that you will get a brand new game each time you select restart. It does not give you the same puzzle so don’t expect to get another chance on it. 


To play this puzzle game, select two matching and open tiles. An open tile is one that has at least one side open and is not covered by another tile. You must all the tiles in order to win the game. This game does not allow for undos or shuffling of the deck. The game will automatically let you know if there are no moves and will reset the game for you.

Mahjong Titans Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateAug 20, 2020
DeveloperNeon Games


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