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Jungle Forest Escape Game



Game Description

Jungle Forest Escape Game is a free escape game. Find the keys to unlock the boat to escape the strange amazing jungle.


Mouse controls

Jungle Forest Escape Game Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJan 12, 2017
DeveloperMeena Games

about 5 years ago

CONDENSED WALKTHROUGH (sorry if the Complete one ran together! it was supposed to be separated & turned into one huge paragraph) -- [Scene with Deer & Hippo]: • Collect log, magnet, mushroom and tuft of grass • Notice the orange flowers = 4. [Scene with River & Buck]: • Collect lemon and wooden plank • Notice the light blue flowers = 7. [Scene with the Rocks & Alligator]: • Collect cherries, magnet, tuft of grass, log and wooden plank • Notice the pink flowers = 9 • Add mushroom to slot (1 total) • Add tufts of grass together in inventory (2 total). [Scene with Hippo & Elephants]: • Collect log, plum, mushroom, wooden plank and magnet • Notice the red flowers = 6. [Scene with Fox in Forest with Dark Big Tree]: • Collect watermelon, mushroom, tuft of grass and log • Add tufts of grass together in inventory (3 total) • Notice the yellow flowers = 8. [Scene with Sunset & Clock]: • Collect log and orange • Notice the dark blue flowers = 5. [Scene with the Rocks & Alligator]: • Add mushrooms to slot (3 total). [Scene with River & Buck]: • Add logs to river to cross (5 total) • Collect mushroom, tuft of grass and bananas • Add tufts of grass together (4 total, completed) • Number of Blades of Grass per Tuft = 3534 • Add magnets to slots (3 total, completed). [Scene with Deer & Hippo]: • Add cherries, watermelon, lemon, bananas, plum and orange to slots • Collect diamond chart and pink zero ball • Add wooden planks to slots (3 total) • Flower Puzzle = 796854 >>> Light Blue (7), Pink (9), Red (6), Yellow (8), Dark Blue (5), Orange (4) • Collect arrow map and blue zero ball • Move wooden planks in puzzle and mimic for next puzzle. [Scene with River & Buck]: • Solve 3 circle puzzle mimicking wooden plank puzzle • Collect color square map and green zero ball • Add blue, green and pink zero balls to slots • Use arrow map to solve light-up puzzle • Collect coin, mushroom and orange light • Add orange light to slot. [Scene with the Rocks & Alligator]: • Add mushrooms to slots (5 total). [Scene with Hippo & Elephants]: • Deposit coin into safe's slot (1 total inserted). [Scene with Fox in Forest with Dark Big Tree]: • Input number from grass blades into tree puzzle (3534) • Collect level chart • Solve cube puzzle by matching each cube's side directly to same sides as the one in the middle • Collect yellow zero ball and pyramid chart. [Scene with Sunset & Clock]: • Solve pyramid chart (16 + 17 = 33) • Collect coin, mushroom and arrow chart. [Scene with the Rocks & Alligator]: • Solve level bar puzzle (medium, low, high) • Collect ornament, coin and mushroom • Add mushrooms to slots (7 total). [Scene with River & Buck]: Add ornament to slot • Add yellow zero ball to slot • Solve zero ball puzzle with color square chart (4967) • Collect mushroom and coin • Solve magnet puzzle with arrow chart (silver ends point inward) • Collect number chart and mushroom. [Scene with the Rocks & Alligator]: • Add mushrooms to slots (9 total, completed) • Collect yellow paper with 4 digits (2583). [Scene with Hippo & Elephants]: • Deposit coins into safe's slot (4 total, completed) • Collect ornament and diamond • Input numbers from yellow paper (2583) into 4 digit puzzle (clue must be opened from inventory first) • Collect colored dot chart. [Scene with Sunset & Clock]: • Solve clock puzzle with number chart (timestamp in bold) by changing clock to 9:15 • Collect color block chart. [Scene with the Rocks & Alligator]: • Use color block chart to solve 5 red block puzzle (1 = Red, 2 = Blue, 3 = Green, 4 = Yellow, 5 = Purple) • Collect ornament and diamond • Use diamond chart to solve diamond puzzle (red across top row, third row and bottom row) • Collect bird chart. [Scene with River & Buck]: • Add ornaments to slots (3 total). [Scene with Fox in Forest with Dark Big Tree]: • Use color dot chart to solve color block chart (only rows 1 and 3 will change) - Orange & Periwinkle. Red & Light Blue. Dark Green & Pink. Yellow & Purple • Collect diamond and ornament • Add diamonds to slots (3 total) • Use bird chart to solve for the 3-digit number (brown bird = 11, green bird = 8, red bird = 2) Total = 176. [Scene with Sunset & Clock]: • Click on 3 circles with 176 (first circle 1 time, second circle 7 times, third circle 6 times) • Collect ornament. [Scene with River & Buck]: • Add ornaments to slots (5 total, completed) • Collect orange light and diamond • Add orange light to slot. [Scene with Fox in Forest with Dark Big Tree]: • Add diamond to slot (4 total, completed) • Collect orange light. [Scene with River & Buck]: • Add orange light to slot (3 total, completed) • Collect key. [Scene with Hippo & Elephants]: • Use key to unlock chain on boat, then ESCAPE !!!!


about 5 years ago

COMPLETE WALK-THROUGH (FULL STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS) FOR THOSE WHO NEED HELP: -SCENE 1- • Collect the LOG and MAGNET on the ground to the right of the deer on the grass. • Collect the MUSHROOM on the ground in the very lower left corner by the hippo. • Collect the tuft of GRASS on the ground (at the edge of the pond) in the middle between the hippo and the deer. • Click on the large / wide tree on the left and note the different colored flowers and number code next to each. Click X to exit, go back to the main screen, and click on the group of orange flowers in the foreground of the screen between the rocks and the pond at the bottom. Note that there are (4) Orange Flowers. • Click the box area to the right of the deer in the rock background / hill formation. Note that you need to collect 6 different fruits. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the box area in the foreground to the right on the rocks in the front. Note that you need to collect rectangular objects. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • To get to the next screen, click on the shadows of the trees in the background to the right under the yellow sky. -SCENE 2- • Now you will see a forest area with a river. You cannot click on things across the river until you have built a bridge. Click on the river directly in the middle of the stream (the screen will turn slightly dark), then drag your Log from your inventory to put it in that darkened area. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Collect the RECTANGULAR PLANK at the very top of the far right tree (it is very small, but should be noticeable). • Collect the LEMON at the very bottom of the screen to the right of the three colorful flowers in the foreground, just under the rock in the grass. • Click the puzzle near the bottom of the far left tree in the foreground and note that when you click certain circles, they light up. We will come back to this puzzle when you receive its clue. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the box area on the rock in the middle of the foreground and note you will need to collect 5 ornaments. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the group of light blue flowers at the bottom left foreground just above the red mushrooms. Note that there are (7) Light Blue Flowers. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to go to the next screen. -SCENE 3- • Collect the CHERRIES in the foreground on top of the small rock in the water to the left of the 5 red blocks. • Collect the MAGNET on the ground in the background, past the water and between the two tree trunks. • Collect the LOG inside the alligator's mouth. • Collect the RECTANGULAR PLANK in the middle of the tree trunk on the right on the hill just above the flowers. • Collect the tuft of GRASS in the middle of the water on a rock between the alligator and the 5 red blocks. • Click on the pink flowers on the ground to the right of the alligator. Note that there are (9) Pink Flowers. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the puzzle on the rock cliff at the far top left. Notice that when you click on the diamonds, they turn red. We will come back to this puzzle when you receive its clue. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the lower left rock at the bottom the cliff to the left of the water and note that you have to collect 9 items. Drag your Mushroom from your inventory to the screen to place it into one of these slots. *Note that you can move your inventory scroll bar up and down to view all of your items if you cannot find the Mushroom. (This may happen if you have too many items.) Once the Mushroom has been placed in a slot, click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the puzzle box on the land in the background to the right of the Mushroom rock area (under the small animal). Note that you have to click on each ball at the top to make them adjust to certain levels. We will come back to this puzzle when you receive its clue. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom to go back to the scene with the river. Click on the log by the river to bring up the darkened screen. Drag on your Log from your inventory to place it with the other log to start building your bridge. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom to go back to the scene with the deer and the hippo at the beginning again. Click on the area with the fruit in the rock to the right of the deer. Drag the Cherries from your inventory to the slot it belongs to. Do the same with the Lemon. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the rock on the far right at the bottom to bring up the rectangular object puzzle. Drag one of the Rectangular Planks from your inventory to one of the slots. Do the same with the other Rectangular Plank from your inventory until both are placed into a slot for the puzzle. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. *All that should be left in your inventory now is 2 tufts of grass and 2 magnets. • Click on one of the tufts of Grass from your inventory to open it / observe it. Drag the other tuft of Grass to the one you have open and put both of them together so they are now part of the same screen. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the shadowed trees in the background again to go back to the other scene with the river. Click on the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to go to the scene with the alligator. Click at the bottom of the mountains in the background where the mountains meet the water to go to the next scene. -SCENE 4- • Collect all four items on the large rock on the right: the LOG, the purple PLUM, the MUSHROOM, and the RECTANGULAR PLANK. • Collect the MAGNET on the hippo towards his back / rear-end. • Click on the red flowers at the very middle foreground in the water. Notice that there are (6) Red Flowers. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the block of zeroes just above the hippo on the left. Notice that we need 4 digits to open this puzzle. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the large silver safe just above the zeroes block. Notice that it has a slot. We will come back to this later. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the gold chain attached to the left of the boat. Notice that we need a key to open this. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the area at the bottom of the trees near the upper left (just above the safe) to take you to the next scene. -SCENE 5- • Collect the MUSHROOM in the middle of the screen near the background between the trees. • Collect the LOG on the far left sitting just above the rocks. • Collect the tuft of GRASS on the far left in the background at the bottom of the far left tree. Click on your other tufts of grass from your inventory, drag the new tuft of grass to join the others so that now you have three tufts of grass together. • Collect the WATERMELON sticking out of the left side sitting inside the hollow of the tree trunk, just to the right of the colored puzzle in the background. • Click on the small block of zeroes to the right of the hollow in the tree trunk and note that we also need 4 digits to open this puzzle. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the colored blocks puzzle in the background on the second right tree. Note that you can click on the blocks to change the colors. We will come back to this puzzle when you receive its clue. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the block area at the bottom left where the rocks are and notice that we need four items to fill these slots. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the yellow flowers at the bottom middle foreground going across the grass. Note that there are (8) Yellow Flowers. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the cube / block puzzle on the second left tree just under the long tree branch. This puzzle is one to solve by itself without any clues. Note that all the blocks can rotate except the middle one. Rotate all the other blocks so that each side matches / hooks up to the same sides as the one in the middle. >>> Further Instruction: Top Left Block = A to the top left, B to the top right, C towards the bottom Top Right Block = B to the top left, C to the top right, A towards the bottom Middle Left Block = B to the top left, C to the top right, A towards the bottom Middle Right Block = A to the top left, B to the top right, C towards the bottom Bottom Left Block = A to the top left, B to the top right, C towards the bottom Bottom Right Block = B to the top left, C to the top right, A towards the bottom • Once this is complete, the puzzle will disappear and the tree trunk where the puzzle was should give you more items. • Collect the Yellow ZERO BALL and Pyramid Number Chart from the tree trunk where the puzzle was. Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to go to the next scene. -SCENE 6- • Collect the ORANGE at the top of the left tree next to the red bird. • Collect the LOG on the ground by the sunset in the middle of the screen. • Notice the clock puzzle (no need to click on it yet) and notice the tree trunk on the far right requires a 2-digit number to unlock it (no need to click on it this either, just note it). • Click on the puzzle on the rock just under the sun and note that you can click the circles any amount of times that you want. We will come back to this later. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the dark blue flowers at the very bottom of the screen. Note that there are (5) Dark Blue Flowers. • Click on the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom three times to take you back to the alligator scene. Click on the rock at the far left at the bottom to bring up the mushrooms again. Drag the Mushroom from your inventory to place it in the slot. Repeat again with the second Mushroom you have in your inventory. You should now have three mushrooms in their slots. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom again to take you back to the river. Click on the logs sitting by the river to bring you back to the darkened screen. Drag one of your Logs from your inventory to add to the other logs. Repeat until you have added all 3 logs from your inventory to complete the bridge and you can now interact with everything across the river. • Collect the MUSHROOM across the river in between the trees in the middle on the ground. • Collect the BANANAS across the river on the far left on the ground just under the tree branch. • Click on the puzzle on the middle tree across the river to view the slots for the magnets. Drag over all three Magnets from your inventory to place into their slots. *Please note that this does NOT solve the puzzle yet. We will come back to this later when we receive its clue. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Collect the tuft of GRASS across the river at the bottom of the left tree. Click on the other tufts of grass in your inventory to bring them up, then drag your new tuft of grass to join the others. You should now have all four tufts of grass together. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the puzzle across from the river on the far right tree that shows four circular slots. From your inventory, drag the Yellow Zero Ball over and place it in the slot. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to go back to the scene with the alligator. Click on the box area for the mushrooms located on the far left rock. Drag the Mushroom from your inventory to fill another slot for the mushrooms. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom two times to return you to the original scene with the deer and hippo. Click on the slot with the fruit to the right of the deer. From your inventory, drag over the Bananas, Watermelon, Orange, and Plum to place into their slots to finish the box and get more items. • Collect the Diamond Chart and the Pink ZERO BALL. • For the same scene, note that we have now already collected the number for each group of flowers for the flower / number code puzzle: Light Blue (7), Pink (9), Red (6), Yellow (8), Dark Blue (5), Orange (4). Click on the puzzle, then change each number next to each flower going down the list to put in: 7 9 6 8 5 4. This should solve the puzzle and give you more items. • Collect the Blue ZERO BALL and Arrow Map from the tree. • Click on the rectangular box area on the far right bottom on the rocks. From your inventory, drag your third Rectangular Plank into its slot. You only need three, you do not need to find all six. This is a clue for another puzzle. Note that when you click on one of the planks, each one moves a certain direction and then won't move again at all. The direction is: Top Left plank moves down, Middle Right plank moves up, Bottom Left plank moves right. Make sure to click all three so that they do this. If you mess up, click X to exit and click on it again from the main screen. Once you move them to their other slots, click X to exit and go back to the main screen. Then click on the shadow tree area to go to the other scene with the river. • Click on the puzzle on the second right tree with the three circular knobs in a vertical box. Mimic the same motion as the Rectangular Planks: Click on the Top Left circle then click on the slot below it to move it down. Click on the Middle Right circle then click on the slot above it to move it up. Click on the Bottom Left circle then click on the slot to the right to move it right. If you mess up, click X to exit and click on it again from the main screen. Once you complete this puzzle, the tree trunk slot will open to reveal more clues. • Collect the Colored Square Chart and the Green ZERO BALL from the area below the puzzle. Click on the right tree across the river to bring up the zero ball box area. From your inventory, drag your Green Zero Ball, Blue Zero Ball, and Pink Zero Ball to finish filling all the slots. Now click on the Colored Square Chart and it shows you Blue = 4, Pink = 9, Yellow = 6, Green = 7. Click X to exit and go back to the Zero Ball puzzle. Click on each colored ball to change the zero to the same numbers from the clue chart. Once this is complete, you will be able to get more items from the tree. • Collect the MUSHROOM and the COIN from inside the tree beneath the puzzle (note that these may be tiny / hard to see). • There are still several clues / charts / maps left in your inventory to complete more puzzles. First, look at the Arrow Map and note the direction / flow of the arrows. This corresponds to the puzzle located on the far left foreground tree in the river scene. Click to bring up the puzzle, then click on the upper left circle to turn green, click on the one beneath it, then beneath that, then to the right, then up, then up, then right, then right, then down, then left, then down, then right. Once complete, it will solve the puzzle and reveal more items. • Collect the MUSHROOM, the COIN, and the ORANGE CIRCLE LIGHT. • Click on the far left tree across the river to bring up the vertical box with three empty circular slots. From your inventory, drag the Orange Circle Light to fill one of the slots. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to take you back to the alligator scene, open the mushroom box area, and drag one of your Mushrooms to fill another slot. Repeat with the second Mushroom. You should now have 6 mushrooms in the slots. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the Diamond puzzle at the top left in the rock under the cliff. Click on the diamonds to match the pattern of the Red diamonds from the clue in your inventory. Only the top row, third row, and last row should be all red diamonds and the rest left alone as black diamonds. Once the puzzle is solved, it will give you more items. • Collect the Bird Number Chart in the rock. • Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to take you back to the alligator scene, then click at the bottom of the mountains in the background to take you back to the elephant scene. Click on the safe and drag a Coin from your inventory to deposit into the slot. Repeat with the second Coin. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Look at the Pyramid Number Chart in your inventory. Note that it starts at the bottom that 2 + 4 = 6 (directly above it), 4 + 6 = 10 (directly above it), 6 + 1 = 7 (directly above it), and same for the next row above. So now you are left with adding 16 + 17 at the top, to which the answer is 33. Click X to exit this clue and go back to the main screen. Now we are looking for the puzzle with a 2-digit number. • Click the bottom of the trees in the background just above the safe to take you back to the forest and large tree scene. Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to take you to the scene with the clock. • Click on the trunk of the twisted tree on the right to bring up the 2-digit numbers puzzle. Click each number until together they both make 33. • Collect the MUSHROOM, the COIN, and the Arrow Chart clue. • Click on the tufts of Grass from your inventory. Note that each tuft of grass has a different number of grass blades. Count each one and note that (from left to right) the number of grass blades are: 3534 • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom to go to the scene with the forest and large tree. Click on the number puzzle on the large tree trunk that needs 4 digits. Click each number slot until you enter 3534. Collect the next clue showing a Level Chart from inside the tree trunk. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom to go to the scene with the elephants and the hippo. Click on the safe and drag the Coin to deposit it into the slot (it requires 4 coins to open the safe). Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom to go to the scene with the alligator. Click on your Level Chart from your inventory and note that the first bar shows the level at the medium point, the second bar shows the level at the lowest point, and the third bar shows the level at the highest point. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the chest / box puzzle on the ground under the animal and between the two trees past the water. Match the same levels by clicking the circles so that the levels go medium, low, high. • Collect the Orange ORNAMENT, the COIN, and the MUSHROOM. • Click on the rock on the far left to open the mushroom area. Drag your Mushroom from your inventory to fill another slot. Repeat with the second Mushroom in your inventory so you have 8 total. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the area below the mountains near the water to go to the scene with the elephants. Click on the safe, drag your Coin from your inventory and deposit into the slot. Collect the Red ORNAMENT and the Square-Cut DIAMOND. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom twice to go to the scene with the river. Click on the rock in the front with the 5 slots. Drag from your inventory the Red Ornament to fill the slot. Repeat with the Orange Ornament. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click on the middle tree in the background across the river to bring up the puzzle with the magnets. Click on the Arrow Chart clue from your inventory to show you which way to rotate the magnets. *Note that the U-part of the magnets are on the outside, and the silver ends are on the inside. >>> Further Instruction: Top Left Magnet = click 7 times so that silver ends face down and right Top Center Magnet = leave alone, this one is already in the correct position Top Right Magnet = click once so that silver ends face down and left Middle Left Magnet = click 6 times so that silver ends face right Middle Center Magnet = click 4 times so that silver ends face up Middle Right Magnet = click 2 times so that silver ends face left Bottom Left Magnet = click 5 times so that silver ends face up and right Bottom Center Magnet = click 4 times so that silver ends face up Bottom Right Magnet = click 3 times so that silver ends face up and left • Once this is complete, the puzzle will give you more items. • Collect the MUSHROOM and the Clock Timestamp Chart. • Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to go to the alligator scene. Open the mushroom area and drag your last Mushroom from your inventory to complete the set. • Collect the Yellow Paper 4-Digit Number clue. Click below the mountains near the water to take you to the elephant scene. Click on the yellow 4-digit number clue and note that the numbers are 2583. *Note: You have to click on the paper and open it for the clue to work, even if you can already see the numbers from your inventory. • Click on the 4-digit number box above the hippo and change the numbers to 2583. Collect the Colored Circle Chart. • Click on the area under the trees above the safe to go to the forest scene with the large tree. Click on the area at the bottom left corner with the 4 missing items. Drag over the Square-Cut Diamond from your inventory to fill the slot. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Open up the Colored Circle Chart clue then go to the colored blocks puzzle on the back right tree in the forest. Note that the first and third row of blocks can change color, but not the second or last rows. These have already been filled out for you and already correspond correctly to the Colored Circle Chart. All you have to do is match the first rows and the third rows. *Please Note: The colors can be somewhat tricky. Make sure it goes in this order: Top Row Left Set = Orange and Periwinkle (NOT red and purple, or red and blue, or pink and purple, etc.) Top Row Right Set = Dark Green and Pink Third Row Left Set = Red and Light Blue Third Row Right Set = Yellow and Purple • Once this has been done correctly, collect the Oval Jagged-Cut DIAMOND and Blue ORNAMENT from the tree. • Open the diamond box area in the front left and drag the Diamond from your inventory into its slot. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom three times to go to the scene with the river. Open the ornament box area and drag the Blue Ornament from your inventory into its slot. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Now note there are two clues left in your inventory. Click on the one with a bunch of numbers. Note that in the very middle (in bold) the numbers say 9:15. This is in reference to what time to set the clock. • Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom, then the water / mountain area to go to the scene with the elephants, then at the bottom of the trees to go to the forest, then the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom to take you to the scene with the clock. Set the clock to 9:15 (or click the left blue button at the bottom 9 times, then the right blue button at the bottom once). Once complete, collect the Color Block Chart. • Now also note the other clue we had in our inventory was the Bird Chart. Note that it takes THREE brown birds to = 33, which means each brown bird = 11. The next line shows a brown bird and two green birds = 27. We now know that the brown bird is 11, so 27 - 11 = 16. We have TWO green birds that must equal 16, so each green bird = 8. The next line shows one green bird minus two red birds = 4. We now know that one green bird is 8, so 8 minus (two) red birds = 4. This means each red bird = 2. So now we have figured out each bird's number. The last line shows red bird x brown bird x green bird, or 2 x 11 x 8. The answer is 176. Once this has be figured out, click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • In the same area as the clock, click on the puzzle with three circular buttons at the bottom foreground. Click on the first button only 1 time, the second button 7 times, and the third button 6 times (or 176, the answer from our Bird Chart). Once the puzzle is solved, collect the Green ORNAMENT. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom three times to go to the scene with the alligator. Click on the Color Block Chart from our inventory. Note that it tells you what order to have each color: (1) Red, (2) Blue, (3) Green, (4) Yellow, (5) Purple. Click on 5 red block puzzle on the front rock in the water. Change each color block the corresponding ones above. Once completed, collect the Purple ORNAMENT and Round DIAMOND. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom to go to the scene with the river. Open the ornament box area and drag the Purple Ornament from your inventory into its slot. Repeat with the Green Ornament until you have fulfilled all the slots. • Collect the ORANGE CIRCLE LIGHT and Triangle-Cut DIAMOND from the puzzle area. • Click on the vertical box puzzle on the left tree across the river and drag the Orange Circle Light from your inventory into its slot. Click X to exit and go back to the main screen. • Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom, then the water / mountain area to go to the scene with the elephants, then at the bottom of the trees to go to the forest area with the fox. Open up the diamond box area and drag over the Round Diamond and Triangle Diamond into the slots to complete the set. • Collect the ORANGE CIRCLE LIGHT. • Click the yellow Left Arrow at the bottom three times to go back to the scene with the river. Click on the left tree across the river and drag over the last Orange Circle Light to complete the set. • Collect the Golden KEY. • Click the yellow Right Arrow at the bottom, then the water / mountain area to go to the scene with the elephants. Click on the golden chain lock attached to the boat, drag over the Key from your inventory to unlock it, and you've ESCAPED!!!


about 6 years ago



about 6 years ago

Poorly made.


about 6 years ago

Its very hard game


almost 7 years ago

Fun, but I had to use the walkthrough midway through and there are 2 puzzles I would have never figured out unless I camped on this for hours.


almost 7 years ago

Fun, but I had to use the walkthrough midway through and there are 2 puzzles I would have never figured out unless I camped on this for hours.


about 7 years ago

Really not that difficult- just remeber to look/open all your clues so as to "activate" them. Enjoyed it


about 7 years ago

Really not that difficult- just remeber to look/open all your clues so as to "activate" them. Enjoyed it


about 7 years ago

This is the least fun escape game I've ever played. You can't really "cheat" the system to where you have written down all the clues or even watch a walkthrough. You literally have to click on each clue that you are given in order to "unlock" the puzzle. Then you have to figure out what answers goes to what puzzle. Sure, majority of it is basically self-spoken, but those with 3 or 4 digits combos, you don't know which ones are for what. Took me 20 mins to figure out what goes to what and this is including the walkthrough.