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Daily HexNum



Game Description

Daily HexNum is a puzzle game to help you work your brain! If you are a fan of sudoku, then you will like this numbers game that follows just about the same concept. Tune in every day to find a new daily puzzle to play! You can choose from different difficulty levels and numbers and cells to keep you entertained all day. To play this online game, each group of cells can only contain each number once. The red numbers cannot be changed and some cells overlap so you must check for repeats in each one. Solve a game a day to give your mind its daily exercise!


To play this puzzle game, put numbers 1-6 in the circle around the grey cells. Every number can occur only once in the circle. Chose from easy, medium, and hard. Each level will also let you select the number of cells. Click on the cell to place a number, and keep clicking until you reach the desired number. Select print if you need to take a break from the screen so that you can do this by hand. Click on the ? and the game will let you know if you finished the puzzle correctly.

Daily HexNum Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateApr 15, 2021
DeveloperNeon Games

almost 4 years ago

Could use a tutorial I have not clue what to do