12 of the Best Launcher Games
12 of the Best Launcher Games! Make weird stuff fly high! Like the feeling of wind in your face? Then you'll love these games. Launch heads, turtles, burgers, and more!...And the fun doesn't end there, with hundreds of free online games to choose from, and more added each month, Addicting Games is the best place to play games on the web. To find the best free online games, check out the reviews and ratings. Don't Just Play Free Online Action Games, Submit Them! Why just play games on Addicting Games, when you can submit your own? Send us a game you've personally developed and we might sponsor it for cash! Not to mention put it in front of an audience of millions. Simply upload it directly to our website using the game submission form. If it checks out, we'll promote it on our website and link back to your site. Submit your game here. You could be famous!

Flight is a free strategic game about physics and balance. The ultimate marriage of old school, handmade toys, and online entertainment: Paperplanes! In Paperplanes you will build and throw your custom plane. Try to aim it for stars and other upgrade icons in order to amass a large quantity of gold and other resources. As the game wears on and you get to know the physics of the...
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Crash Test Launcher
Crash Test Launcher is a free racing game. It doesn't take a genius to crash a car into a wall, in fact, it probably helps if you're a dummy! Unbuckle those seatbelts, disconnect the airbags and get ready to fly, baby. This is Crash Test Launcher, a game about using a busted down old car as a device to launch busted down old crash test dummies through the windshield and into...
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Burrito Bison
Sucked into a candy dimension, Burrito Bison refuses to play by gummie rules! Launch yourself into the crowd and smash soft chewy bears. Vengeance!
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Burrito Bison Revenge
This bison is seriously angry at some little candy bears, so he's going to squash them. That's right, you mess with this buffalo, you get the horns.
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Madburger 3
Madburger 3 is a free management game. It's that Wild West tradition of making hamburgers and seeing how far you can throw them. Never tried it? Well, now's your chance.
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Hedgehog Launch
Hedgehog Launch is a free launch game. Hedgehog + Rocket Pack = Money Maker! Collect coins in the sky with a prickly little dude, upgrade, and go for broke!
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Trollface Launch
Everybody loves shooting random stuff out of a cannon. But this is one weird scene, my friends! Launch a cackling trollface from a video screen, and click him for more distances. Then upgrade in increasingly odd ways. My favorite? One of those sweet, sweet mustaches!
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Knightmare Tower
As the hero of Knightmare Tower, you're on a mission to rescue not one, but several princesses. What? Just because you're a knight doesn't mean you have to be chivalrous. Keep launching yourself above the lava and slicing through demons in this medieval monster mash!
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Toss the Turtle
Toss the Turtle is a free physics game. When we say 'toss,' we actually mean 'blast out of a cannon.' Which is a great place to start. Shoot your flying turtle to keep him in the air; do a little turtle steering to go farther. And don't forget to upgrade with those sweet, sweet guns!
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Homerun in BerzerkLand
Play ball with the geek and send him flying throughout BerzerkLand. Earn money to buy new gear and gain experience to upgrade your batter's strength. Rack up big scores and show the world what you got!
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