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Battle Pirates



Game Description

Greetings, Captain!
Welcome to the flooded world of Battle Pirates. You’re part of the Forsaken Council now and as one of the Forsaken, you will need to fight for Survival. Build an island fortress, customize deadly ships, and compete in monthly events on your quest to rule the high seas in this unique maritime adventure. Are you ready to become the battle pirate you have always dreamed of? Battle Pirates is a strategy game where you build empires and take them down, often in the same turn. Power up your defenses, upgrade your weapons, choose your crew, build, barter, and the battle for supremacy on the high seas and everywhere in-between.
Piracy is your destiny, battle is your tool. Become the pirate you were always meant to be in this game.


Piracy on these seas is very simple. If you’re just starting out, you’ll want to focus your attacks on low level, lightly guarded Draconian Cargo Fleets. Remember, the higher level the salvage the more heavily guarded it will be. Once you’ve claimed the resources you’ll need to haul them back to your base, and from there you can use them to repair your fleets, research new and improved technology, and build new buildings and ships. When starting out, you’ll have access to the most basic ships and basic weapon types. Basic Ship Types: ● Gunboat ● Skirmisher ● Longship ● Marauder These four ships are going to be the staple of Captains who are just starting out. Below is a list of things you’ll want to start working on immediately. ● Skirmisher Research ● Upgrade your Naval Lab to Level 2 ● Longship Research ● Upgrade your Outpost to level 2 Once your Outpost level 2 starts to research, you’ll want to begin collecting resources to start upgrading some weapons. There are three basic types of weapons. As you level up you’ll encounter stronger versions of these weapons as well as unlock access to new powerful weapon types, like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Torpedos. Basic Weapon Types: ● Ballistic: These weapon types do Ballistic damage and are often fast firing, medium range weapons with good damage per second. These weapons are well-rounded but generally have low accuracy and are vulnerable to ships that have high evasion. ● Missiles: Missiles do Penetrative damage. They tend to be extremely long range and highly accurate. However, they can also be shot down by some countermeasure weapons. ● Mortars: Mortars do Explosive damage. These weapons are dumbfire and target a location and will travel to that location, instead of targeting a ship directly, allowing fast ships to out-run their fire. They can also be shot down by some countermeasure weapons.

Battle Pirates Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJul 31, 2020
DeveloperKixeye / Goodgame Studios

over 4 years ago

this is a great strategy game you should try it