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Game Description

The world is at war and is where the battles are fought! In you customize your own Polandball with a flag, a hat, and the accessory of your choice and then grapple your way into a 2-d arena free for all. Upgrade your weapons, take control of an AA gun, and swing around the level as you execute other players with extreme prejudice. The game is all about survival but you can only win and climb your way up the leader board by taking out the other players. Or you can play in team mode! In team mode, players will be assigned teams at random or may invite their friends to raid and explode their way through different areas. Capture the flag is another playing option for teams. In this version of the game your kill count isn't as important as working with your friends to put together a strategy to grab the opponents flag and make it back to your home base. is a 2-D arena blitz that offers lots of re-playability and strategy! Try it now.


W,A,S,D, Arrow Keys: Move and Jump. Mouse: Aim reticule Left Mouse button: Fire Right mouse button: Grappling hook Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateApr 17, 2019
DeveloperBastian Born

about 4 years ago

good game but i cant sign in with google and facebook;(


over 5 years ago
