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Game Description is a free IOgame. This is the hippity and hoppity IOGame known as Frogar where you will be competing with other real live players from around the world in frog form. This is a game with the same basic idea of Agar, except instead of being a cell that slowly trudges around the arena you will be playing as a frog that hops from one conquest to another. Eat up powerful orbs to help grow your size and speed as you try to become bigger than the other players and eventually devour them. This is a game where you will have to figure out the intricacies of the frog hops and then use that skill to conquer the arena. will challenge you to become the best frog on the pad by having you go up against a whole arena full of challengers. Power up, and hop on in this fast and fun paced game of frogging it out with your best friends.


On your desktop computer use your mouse to point the direction you want your frog to go. Right-click the mouse to jump. Try to pick up as many different power orbs as you possibly can in order to grow your frog in size and strength and finally take on the other frogs in the arena. Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateDec 31, 2020


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