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Stick Hero



Game Description

Become the white knight of a fair maiden's dreams or dawn the silky black. pajamas of a ninja assassin. In Stick Hero, the choice is yours! Not only will you be able to choose between a variety of stock heroes like ninjas, knights, tanks, soldiers, mechs, aliens --and more-- you'll have to customize a side-scrolling platform adventure for each of them. Finally! an adventure in which you are in full control! Devise obstacles, and traps, choose from an army of minions. Toggle heir stats, and actions and set them loose in a dungeon, in a jungle, in a forbidden forest or any location you can imagine! Then, save the game and share it with your unsuspecting friends. Do you have what it takes to trick those you care about and know best into losing at a game of your own devising? Will they be able to outsmart, outplay, and out think you? Will your army of robots, demons, and other mischevious minions be enough to hold the hero at bay? Find out in Stick Hero! The game you design, you build, and you control!


This is a game where the player devises their own custom platform adventure which they can play themselves or save and share with their friends. In order to make your adventure, you must use your mouse to interact with all of the in game menus, choose from the tables of options and select by right-clicking.

Stick Hero Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateJul 23, 2010
DeveloperAddictingGames and Freaky Tiki

about 6 years ago

you cant pass mine


about 6 years ago

yo b dog

abigail cutie yay

about 6 years ago



about 6 years ago

what i have to use my brain???


about 6 years ago

well it is kind of stupid

abigail cutie yay

about 6 years ago

way to COOL LOL HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


about 6 years ago

very weird something is happening


about 6 years ago computer wont let me play it ! ! !


about 6 years ago

ummmmm good


about 6 years ago

u cant even pile on top of the same thing