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Bak Bak Bakpacker



Game Description

Next on The World Turns, a chicken rides in an egg shell collecting powerups which make the Earth spin faster or slower. Can you score before hitting certain death?


up arrow - jump down arrow - duck (chicken) see ingame instructions for more help.

Bak Bak Bakpacker Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJul 27, 2006

about 6 years ago

won't load for me.

alpha dawg

about 6 years ago

it goes so fast u cant see what coming up next


about 6 years ago

It is challeging once it gets really fast...


about 6 years ago

I wish there was music


about 15 years ago

Its really simplistic but its funny in a way because you end up goin really fast and go to catch an egg that ends up being the death thing XD


about 15 years ago

Its really simplistic but its funny in a way because you end up goin really fast and go to catch an egg that ends up being the death thing XD


about 16 years ago

this is really stupid. Only played c'ause I was looking for ball revamped and clicked this on accident when in 'all' games list.


about 17 years ago

this game is really fun and it is really easy when you get the hang of it but dont hit the crosses or they will kill you