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Daily Inequality



Game Description

Daily Inequality is a puzzle game that you can play daily! If you need a morning starter or if you rather unwind at the end of the day, then give this puzzle game a try. This daily online game is great to keep your brain trained and your mind occupied. If you are good with numbers and enjoy strategizing, then take the daily challenge. This game can be a little bit tricky. Similar to sudoku, you cannot repeat the same number in the row or column. Use the math symbols to create inequalities and complete the entire grid. 


To play this puzzle game, fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to the grid size, so that every number appears exactly once in each row and column so that all the signs represent true inequalities. Use the cursor keys to move through the cells. The backspace/delete key to delete. You can use the on-screen keypad to input numbers as candidates. Selecting the number again makes it the final choice. There are two difficulty levels: Easy and hard. Each one has 3 different grids for you to choose from. If you would rather clear the grid, click the restart button in the bottom left corner.

Daily Inequality Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateApr 29, 2021
DeveloperNeon Games


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