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Game Description

Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a UFO, its a biplane, no it's just a cloud, wait, its! Hop into a plane from a time gone by, the classic vintage biplane most notably used by aces and barons of the first world war. use this plane and its antiquated machine operated slug throwers to compete in a 3-D arena which gives you full control over both the X and the Y axis! You'll have to contend with the ever-present threat of hovering UFO's as you pilot your ship through the clouds and avoid or hunt other players. Your survival is dependent upon not getting got by the opposing players as they search the sky for you in merciless pursuit of the bounty placed on your head. You're all in direct competition for the same prize: The top spot on the leaderboard chart. You'll get there by outlasting each other and by taking each other out using a variety of strategies and resources at your disposal. It is a dog eat dogfight kind of game where the only winner is the person who's conscience runs cold and engine runs hot.


Use your mouse to navigate and position your biplane on both the X and the Y axis. The left mouse button activates your ranged slug throwers. Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateDec 15, 2018

5839 plays


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